Tuesday, December 22, 2009

food fight!

Yolks are the same in every part of the world.
You know what I mean. You make breakfast for your friends, and you sit down to eat fried eggs, toast, bacon. Looking around the room, everyone eats their eggs different. One goes straight for the yolk at the beginning, cutting into it and letting its golden glory kiss every other breakfast food on the plate. Another eats the whites first, leaving the yolks to smash at the end in order to sop up all that yellow mirth. Still others are tentative, almost care-free about how they approach their eggs and yolk: come what may, I will enjoy the yolk at whatever time it decides to erupt around my fork.
Unfortunately I fall into the latter category. You know you're home in another country when you have English muffins, edam, and pineapple. Being a lover of breakfast sandwiches, I engulf many well-loved breakfast foods onto one English muffin.: fried egg, gouda, and salty ham. Before I know it most of the sandwich is gone and I haven't noticed that I have yet to break into the yolk. Come what may, right? As I bite down into yet another delicious bite I feel warmth spread suddenly across my stomach and my legs. Did I just pee my pants?
Looking down I see my beloved yolk. All over my pajamas. Running around the end of my sandwich, which is still upright in my hand and my mouth is closed, mid-chew, in disbelief.
Yes, yolk is the same in every part of the world. Need to feel like you're at home? Fry yourself an egg and enjoy that yolk the way you always do. Just don't let it attack you like mine did.

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