Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Hypocrites and Halloween

Walking through a campus that is so divided on the underground is quite an experience. Without knowing the ins and outs of the drama you still see everyone's biases, everyone's sides. There's the guy who leads his hall but doesn't stand beside his beliefs. There's the student who condones staying silent but does none of the work.
Carter laughingly claimed Halloween as the hypocrites dream: you get to dress and act like someone you're not. As I sit here with mushroom potato soup I contemplate her jovial words. There's the hippy, but oh wait, he's talking about being a Christian. There's the metro, maybe he's gay. There's the chick who had a crush on my boyfriend in high school, too bad she didn't end up with the gold.
And then there's me. Criticising all of these people with all of their acts, telling them they must not be legit if they don't have the hair, the plaid, or the vegan; I'm the one with the awkward ring tone and the suit.
Perhaps this was the game the law student played in his blog, looking down on anything and everything. Perhaps this is where the man is when he gives the good advice and doesn't adhere to it.
Perhaps this is where we all are, in a a way. People today prize honesty so much, and they elevate individuality and speaking what is on the mind. But what if that has become flawed, and the Pygmalion theory has completely changed the course of our society's beliefs as a whole? You start saying you believe in coexistence, you start saying you hate this or that, even when you're not sure. What a powerful tool we have to convince ourselves with.
So when you look at the girl in green and say that she's not good enough, look in the mirror. There you are with all of your slop. Get over it and move on; it's not Halloween any more.


Anonymous said...

"there you are with all your slop!"

i love it. that's a poem all by itself!

Mez said...

lol the musings of my daily life when i procrastinate on my homework!