Thursday, December 10, 2009

You say you want to stay by my side...

I don't know if you can always strategically think about things. In business school they teach you how to critically and strategically think about the decisions you're making for the business and for the people in the business and for the customers of the business.
But certain things, matters of the heart and soul, do not always breed strategic thinking. In fact if you apply strategy or critical analysis to these things you may in fact hurt rather than help the situation.
It's becoming a well-known fact in certain circles today that men need respect more than most other things. How does one show respect to a man when he is being a "baby" and doesn't appreciate some small gesture someone close to him exhibits? Men are definitely sensitive in ways we women may not always understand. The same goes for us and them. Some men put great care into picking out what they will wear (sometimes for more important reasons, like a business meeting, or sometimes for lesser reasons, like a fun date with their girlfriend). Other men have a deep rooted understanding of true relationship, no matter how uncaring they say they are. This line is a very fine one to ride with the men in your life: learn to respect them for their positive qualities instead of looking at yourself and seeing how that could negatively affect you. So what if he's wearing all tan. Who cares if he doesn't notice your chili tonight; perhaps he'll notice and appreciate and love it next time. Use your words carefully when he pulls out a letter from an old friend, though they used to have a small romantic past. He really stopped talking to her when he met you because he cares that much about keeping you around. Stop looking at your own insignificance and look towards the truth that's right there in front of you. And respect him for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, respecto. sometimes i wish there was a harry potter trick i could pull with a wand and just insert a little more respect into the situation... comment... conversation. i think respect is related to kindness and mercy and is usually pretty underrated.