Monday, February 01, 2010

Glories of Old School

During my few moments of peace between grading papers and planning my next cooking expedition I go to Smitten Kitchen and gather bits of laughter and recipes. During my last read of very cocoa, fudgey brownies I realized there is merit to old school. Many who are part of my generation enjoy some fashion of vintage. Earrings from the 1800s, gas stoves, your grandfather's pipe. Deb on Smitten Kitchen, for instance, is only one of many people and chefs who do not have a microwave. Maccaroni Grill prides themselves in not owning microwaves in their kitchens.
And what's this about gas stoves? Electric can't provide the same wok experience one can get on the streets of Asia.
I find myself envisioning my house in the distant future. One near the beach, so I can see the waves and sunset. One with a garden so I can grow my own herbs. And one with that old gas stove to bring a little more old school into my small bit of peace.


Anonymous said...

haha, except that your small bit of peace will routinely have random family members running through it... i personally plan to make unannounced visits ALL the time, demanding yumminess.

Mez said...

and yummiess shall come with my gas stove fantasy and recipe feats! plan on, my dear brother, plan on!
and i shall plan too...waiting for a job with a salary and money saved up in case of any car emergency that may happen when i make my trek across America to see my family.
planning can be a good thing!